Incorporating a Crypto

Incorporating Crypto Business Canada

Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC)

Incorporating your trading business should be a topic considered by all crypto enthusiasts. If your business activities warrant incorporating and qualify to become a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC) there are many benefits such as: Small Business Deduction (SBD), deferred personal taxation, and limited liability.

Small Business Deduction (SBD)

When you transition your crypto trading business into a corporate structure, you unlock the advantage of the Small Business Deduction (SBD). This strategic move slashes the federal corporate income tax rate to a mere 9% on the initial $500,000 of active business income.

Compliance Requirements

The Canadian government ensures that no stone is left unturned when it comes to compliance for crypto trading businesses. Companies have to adhere to the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA) among others. I’ve got to have a comprehensive compliance program, appoint a compliance officer, keep up-to-date with risk assessments, deliver continuous employee training, and review my compliance at least biennially.

Additionally, becoming a Money Services Business in Canada means meeting the demands of the Travel Rule. This requires maintaining records of all cross-border electronic fund transfers. As I’d be dealing with cryptocurrencies, which are inherently cross-border, I’d need to be thorough in record-keeping, which can be both time-consuming and complicated.

Service in the Crypto industry

The Canadian government ensures that no stone is left unturned when it comes to compliance for crypto trading businesses


The Canadian government ensures that no stone is left unturned when it comes to compliance for crypto trading businesses

Deciding on the appropriate business structure is key to successful incorporation. Whether I opt for a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation will have significant implications for my liability, tax planning, and ability to raise capital. The Small Business Deduction (SBD) is a benefit to certain corporations but it demands specific conditions to be met.

I’ve to carefully weigh whether the business structure I choose will support my goals in crypto trading. A corporation might protect my personal assets and afford tax optimization opportunities, but it also means more regulatory requirements. It’s a balancing act between safeguarding my interests and managing administrative duties. Plus, there’s the classification of my trading activity—being seen as a trader or an investor by the CRA, which affects my tax treatment and the applicable deductions.

The nature of transactions, such as the frequency and period of ownership, informs this classification and thus the elaborate structure of record-keeping that I’d need to maintain. Ensuring that every transaction is recorded with accurate dates and exchange rates is a discipline that’s non-negotiable in this realm.

When I’m ready to incorporate my crypto trading business in Canada, one of the first decisions I’ll face is selecting an appropriate business name. It’s not just a formality; it’s about creating a brand identity that resonates with my target market and is compliant with Canadian naming laws. The name must be unique and must not mislead regarding the nature of the business. I’ll also want to ensure that the domain name is available for my business, strengthening my online presence.

Registering the business is a critical step that I can’t afford to overlook. I’ll need to decide on a business structure that best suits my trading activity. Whether it’s a corporation or a Limited Liability Company (LLC), it’s important to establish my business entity to protect my personal assets and gain credibility with customers and investors. I must also ensure that at least 25% of the directors are resident Canadians if the board consists of multiple members.

Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits

Obtaining the required licenses is one of the most fundamental compliance steps. Under Canadian law, especially regulations set out by FINTRAC, my crypto trading business will need to procure a Money Services Business (MSB) license. This applies to both Canadian and foreign businesses operating in Canada. Strict adherence to FINTRAC reporting requirements is non-negotiable for operating legally and avoiding hefty fines.

Open a Business Bank Account

Finally, opening a business bank account is essential for managing my company’s finances. It’s an important step that adds a layer of professionalism and helps in clearly delineating personal funds from business capital. A business bank account is also likely to be a requirement from lenders and investors, who typically prefer doing business with incorporated entities over sole proprietors. This step will greatly assist in financial management and in establishing credit history under my business name.

Benefits of Incorporating
A Crypto Trading Business in Canada

Legal Protection & Tax
Separation Personal
Cost and Complexity

Legal Protection

Incorporating a crypto trading business in Canada offers a robust shield against personal liability. Why's this important? In the event that my business encounters legal issues, creditors and legal claims generally target the corporation's assets, not my own. Establishing a corporation creates a distinct legal entity, ensuring any contracts, loans, or property investments are recognized under the business name. Nevada has often been noted for its favorable corporate laws, providing anonymity and asset protection benefits that can be leveraged by Canadian businesses too. Still, it's the separation made by incorporation that gives me peace of mind, knowing my personal assets are safeguarded from potential business adversities.

Tax Advantages

The tax perks of incorporating in Canada are particularly enticing. As a Canadian-controlled private corporation (CCPC), my crypto trading business could be eligible for the Small Business Deduction (SBD), enabling me to enjoy a lower tax rate on the first CAD 500,000 of active business income. There's also an opportunity to postpone personal taxes with the use of Section 85 rollovers, associated with non-fungible tokens, cryptocurrencies, or other digital assets. By retaining earnings within the corporation, I could defer paying taxes at the shareholder level, ultimately optimizing my income tax situation in Canada. Additionally, being able to write off casualty losses, relating to events like hacks or scams, serves as a noteworthy financial safeguard.

Separation of Personal and Business Finances

One of the key benefits of incorporation is the clear separation between personal and business finances. This separation not only simplifies the accounting and tax filing process but also protects personal credit. As the owner, I wouldn't have to pledge personal assets for business endeavours. Furthermore, if I decided to sign any contracts or lease agreements, doing so under the corporation significantly reduces the risk attached to my personal assets. In essence, the delineation established by incorporation ensures a clear boundary, enabling a more structured and focused approach to managing the financial aspects of my crypto trading enterprise.


Cost and Complexity

Incorporating a crypto trading business in Canada isn't a decision to take lightly. Understanding the cost and complexity involved is crucial. Section 85 rollovers, shareholder benefit rules, and indirect benefit rules all add layers of tax intricacies. I've learned that missteps in these areas can result in hefty unanticipated tax burdens. It's critical to ensure the fair market value alignment between the blockchain assets transferred and the shares received to avoid taxable shareholder benefits.

Crucially, expenses emerge not just from the act of incorporation but also from maintaining corporate compliance. Think about legal fees, the cost of hiring tax experts—I know that trying to navigate these without an experienced Canadian crypto tax lawyer can set me up for pitfalls. There’s also the ongoing cost of record keeping and accounting, software systems for managing transactions and CRA compliance, all of which can quickly mount up.

Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC) Qualification


Private Corporation: The corporation must be a private corporation, not publicly traded on any stock exchanges, and must be incorporated under Canadian federal or provincial law.

Canadian-Controlled: The corporation must be Canadian-controlled, meaning that at least 50% of its voting shares are owned by Canadian residents. For the specific purpose of the SBD, even more stringent control criteria apply to ensure that Canadians have de facto control of the corporation

Carrying on Business in Canada: The corporation must carry on a business in Canada, generating active business income. Passive income does not qualify for the SBD

Active Business Income: The SBD applies to the first $500,000 of active business income annually. Active business income does not include investment income or income from property rentals, which are considered passive income types.

Taxable Canadian Corporation: The corporation must be a taxable Canadian corporation for the entire tax year.

Non-Specified Investment Business: The corporation cannot be a specified investment business, which is a business with the principal purpose of deriving income from property (interest, dividends, rents, or royalties).

Non-Personal Service Business: The corporation cannot be a personal service business, essentially an incorporated employee, where the corporation is employed by another entity that would reasonably regard an officer or shareholder of the corporation as an officer or employee if not for the corporation’s existence.

Income Cap for Access to SBD: For corporations with taxable capital employed in Canada of more than $10 million in the previous year, the amount eligible for the SBD begins to phase out, and it is fully phased out for corporations with taxable capital employed in Canada of $15 million or more.

When a Lawyer is required

Crypto trading business in Canada
it's clear that having sound legal
guidance isn't just helpful
it’s essential. Here's why:
Benifits! Results!

Lawyers play a pivotal role in ensuring that I am not just compliant with Canadian laws, but also poised to benefit from the strategic advantages incorporation can offer. Legal experts understand the nuances of the Canada Money Services Business regulations, an understanding that proves invaluable in setting up a compliant operation, especially when it comes to cryptocurrency companies. Compliance isn’t a one-time task; it’s an ongoing process that requires dedicated expertise.

An experienced lawyer can provide advice on creating a compliance program, appointing a compliance officer, and the intricacies of maintaining detailed records of clients and transactions in line with the Travel Rule. They ensure that I’m aware of all cross-border electronic fund transfers, including cryptocurrency transactions, preventing any potential legal pitfalls.


In terms of asset protection, it’s critical to have a lawyer who’s well-versed in state law. They can advise me on the right business structure – whether it’s a C corporation, S corporation, or LLC – that offers the most robust protection for my assets. A lawyer can also help establish other limited liability companies to hold long-term assets, thus providing an additional layer of protection from creditors and legal liabilities.Furthermore, lawyers can guide me through the T2057 election form submissions, helping me avoid steep penalties. For example, if I were to submit this form over 3 years late, I’d face an $8,000 late-filing penalty, unless I could provide a written justification deemed just and equitable by the CRA – a task best handled by a skilled lawyer.


Handling the Bare Trust Determination

The concept of a bare trust might be unfamiliar territory for me, but it is an important consideration when dealing with the agency and structures of my cryptocurrency business. A lawyer is instrumental in analyzing arrangements and determining whether I’ve created a bare trust, ensuring compliance with CRA regulations.

Should it be necessary to confirm the status of a bare trust, lawyers can help draft a concrete baretrust agreement – a documentation that might be required by the CRA. Getting clear on the bare trust aspect is critical to avoid any unforeseen tax implications.


Deciding to incorporate your crypto trading business in Canada is a multifaceted choice that requires careful deliberation. I’ve walked you through the necessary steps and considerations, from understanding the legal landscape to recognizing the importance of expert advice. Remember, the structure you choose impacts everything from taxes to liability. While the process might seem daunting, the benefits of protection and credibility can’t be overstated. If you’re ready to take your crypto trading to the next level, incorporating could be your next strategic move. Just ensure you’re well-prepared for the responsibilities that come with running a corporate entity.


Incorporating Crypto Business Canada

Incorporating your trading business should be a topic considered by all crypto enthusiasts. If your business activities warrant incorporating and qualify to become a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC) there are many benefits such as: Small Business Deduction (SBD), deferred personal taxation, and limited liability.

Small Business Deduction (SBD):

When you transition your crypto trading business into a corporate structure, you unlock the advantage of the Small Business Deduction (SBD). This strategic move slashes the federal corporate income tax rate to a mere 9% on the initial $500,000 of active business income. This benefit starkly differs from the taxation rates applied to sole proprietorships, where business income merges with personal income, subjecting it to potentially higher personal income tax rates. For crypto traders in elevated tax brackets, incorporating offers a not-to-be-missed fiscal benefit, positioning the SBD as a key financial incentive for business incorporation. This distinction is pivotal, emphasizing the tax efficiency of incorporating and showcasing a significant tax advantage that is unique to incorporated businesses.

Incorporating not only earmarks your venture as a serious business entity but also aligns with tax-saving strategies that are critical in the cryptocurrency market. This approach underscores the importance of understanding the nuances between personal and corporate tax obligations, particularly for those engaged in crypto investments and trading.

Tax Deferral and Timing of Personal Taxation

Incorporation offers the advantage of tax deferral through the timing of dividend payments. Profits retained within the corporation are taxed at lower corporate rates, and personal taxes are deferred until these profits are distributed as dividends. Non incorporated business income attracts personal income taxes on all business profits in the year they are earned, regardless of whether these profits are reinvested in the business or taken as personal income. This immediate taxation can lead to higher tax liabilities upfront for sole proprietors.

Sole Proprietorship vs Corporate Income for Crypto Trading Business

FeatureSole ProprietorshipCorporation
Tax RatesTaxed at personal income tax rates, which can be high.Access to Small Business Deduction, lowering corporate tax rate on the first $500,000 of income to 9%.
Tax DeferralTaxes are paid on all profits in the year they are made.Allows deferral of personal taxes until profits are distributed as dividends.
LiabilityPersonal liability for business debts and obligations.Limited liability protects personal assets from business debts and legal actions.
Record-KeepingSimpler financial record-keeping and reporting requirements.Requires comprehensive record-keeping, corporate tax filings, and adherence to corporate governance standards.
Business ContinuityBusiness is tied directly to the owner and ceases upon the owner’s death or decision to end the business.Corporation is a separate legal entity, which can continue indefinitely, regardless of changes in ownership or management.
Financial OpportunitiesMay have limited access to certain types of financing or investment.Easier access to capital through the sale of shares and may be seen as more credible by lenders and investors.

Self-Serve Incorporation Tool – Ownr

For crypto traders and entrepreneurs looking to incorporate without the steep learning curve or high costs associated with traditional legal routes, a self-serve incorporating tool like Ownr is highly recommended. Ownr has a user-friendly platform that simplifies the incorporation process from start to finish. It offers affordable, transparent pricing, automated legal document preparation, and ongoing compliance support tailored specifically for the Canadian market. This makes Ownr not just a tool but a comprehensive solution for anyone to legally safeguard their business, maximize their tax advantages, and gain access to a suite of resources designed to support growth and compliance in the world of crypto trading.

Given the specialized nature of crypto trading businesses and their unique tax considerations, consulting with a CPA or a tax advisor familiar with Canadian crypto taxation is advisable to ensure compliance and optimize tax benefits.


The decision to incorporate, especially with the support of tools like Ownr, represents a critical strategy for crypto traders aiming to optimize their tax positions, mitigate personal liability, and solidify their business’s legal standing. It’s a forward-thinking move that aligns with the dynamic demands of the crypto trading landscape, ensuring that traders can focus on their investments with the assurance of a solid corporate structure behind them

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